2021-2024 FSMFM Scholar

We are pleased to announce that Courtney Townsel, MD, MSc, has been selected for the 2021-2024 Foundation for SMFM Scholarship Award for her project entitled, “Placental Epigenetic Regulation of Fetal Opioid Exposure.” Dr. Townsel is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan.

Dr. Townsel’s goal is to capitalize on this unique opportunity to become a national leader and independent physician-scientist with expertise in Precision Medicine related to epigenetic variability in opioid-exposed pregnancies. She will lead translational research in placental genetics and epigenetics to inform clinical management strategies and clinical practice such as the impact of maternal opioid use on fetal opioid exposure and neonatal outcomes. Dr. Townsel’s mentors, Dana Dolinoy, PhD, MSc, and Jaclyn Goodrich, PhD, are nationally and internationally recognized as leaders in epigenetic research, genomics, and toxicology.  Dedicated and advanced training in pharmacology, pharmacogenetics, and epigenetics through this award will enhance the rigor, innovation, and impact of Dr. Townsel’s research and position her to become a national leader in maternal and neonatal opioid biology.