Literature Alert



Do you wish you could read all the major journals to stay current with the most important articles in maternal-fetal medicine? Well, let us do it for you!

The Literature Alert Series highlights recently published articles of interest to maternal-fetal medicine specialists from more than 25 journals. The Literature Alert is distributed monthly by email and each issue contains 10-15 of the most important articles for MFMs from obstetric and non-obstetric journals including The Gray Journal, The Green Journal, JAMA, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, The New England Journal of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Prenatal Diagnosis.

All SMFM members who make a minimum annual contribution of $100 to the Foundation, and MFM fellows who contribute to the Fellows Class Gift Campaign, will receive the Literature Alert for the next 12 months. If you would like to receive the Literature Alert, make a donation to the Foundation today.