2022 Garite Mini-Sabbatical Grants (Fall Cycle)

Pictured above (left to right): Drs. Felicia LeMoine and Lihong Mo have been selected as recipients of the 2022 Garite Mini-Sabbatical Grants.

Felicia LeMoine, MD, a second-year Maternal-Fetal Medicine Fellow at the MetroHealth System/Case Western Reserve University Program in Cleveland, Ohio, has been selected for her project “International Fetoscopic Training.”

Dr. LeMoine will spend four weeks at The Fetal Center at UTHealth Houston’s Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston, Texas, for an elective rotation in fetal intervention under the mentorship of Dr. Ramesha Papanna. In addition, Dr. LeMoine will receive hands-on fetal therapy and intervention training at Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (JUMISC) in Cáceres, Spain.

The Garite Mini-Sabbatical grant will allow Dr. LeMoine to learn and participate in the management techniques of rare and complex fetal conditions to ultimately help her pursue an advanced practice fellowship in fetal therapy and intervention.

Lihong Mo, MD, PhD, a third-year Maternal-Fetal Medicine Fellow at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis), has been selected for her project “Applying automated machine learning to predict preterm delivery using history and triage data in patients presenting with preterm contractions.”

Dr. Mo will spend two weeks at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, under the mentorship of Dr. Melissa Wong, to further her training in clinical informatics. She is building an optimized prediction model that she will execute prospectively to compare the outcomes of predictions for triage patients presenting with preterm contractions.

The Garite Mini-Sabbatical grant will allow Dr. Mo to continue bridging her strong interests in maternal-fetal medicine and data science and ultimately help her build an obstetrics and informatics team at her home institution at UC Davis.

Learn more about the Garite Mini-Sabbatical Grants here.