2015 Joy S. Vink, MD
Dr. Joy Vink from Columbia University is the recipient of the inaugural 2015 Bridge Funding Award sponsored by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Education Foundation. Dr. Vink is an Assistant Professor in the Department of OB/GYN at Columbia University Medical Center and is currently a third-year SMFM/AAOGF Scholar. Dr. Vink is committed to pursuing an academic career as a physician-scientist with a focus on decreasing the rate of preterm birth due to premature cervical remodeling. With the support of the SMFM/AAOGF Scholarship from 2012-2015, she has made significant discoveries about the architecture of the human cervix, emphasizing the role of cervical smooth muscle in maintaining the biomechanical integrity of the cervix. She plans to utilize the ABOG Bridge Funding Award to generate additional preliminary data which will be used to apply for NIH funding and continue to pursue the accomplishment of her overall goal of becoming an independently funded physician-scientist who is dedicated to decreasing the rate of preterm birth by understanding the intricate processes involved in normal and abnormal cervical function in pregnancy.