Emily Scibetta, MD

2014 Resident Scholars Program
Currently at Ventura County Medical Center

What was the most memorable part of your Foundation-funded project or experience as a Foundation awardee?

The mentorship provided by fellow awardees and experienced physicians in SMFM.

How did the award influence your career?

It helped me understand early on the different paths I could take within MFM and more readily identify what was the right path for me.

What lessons (e.g., personal, professional, life, etc.) did you learn that you would like to pass on to future awardees?

Stay true to your path.  If you have your own vision for your future, be true to that and don't be afraid to go for it.

Did you submit an abstract for #SMFM20?


Where did you do your MFM fellowship?


What do you like best about being an MFM?

I love the medical complexity of maternal and fetal consultations and the opportunity work with a wide variety of colleagues in medicine.

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?

Providing clinical MFM services, teaching learners and playing a role in public health policy for high risk pregnancy.